Vasyli Prior Sports Device

Vasyli Prior Sports Devices: What are they?

This article explains what Vasyli Prior Sports devices are and how they can benefit you or your child when playing sport.

As if playing competitive sports wasn’t challenging enough, it can be even more stressful if you have foot pain, heel pain or knee pain.

Football boots, hockey boots, athletics spikes. They are all designed to be light, firm fitting and allow the athlete greater manoeuvrability, and better lateral freedom. When that athlete has pain associated with excess pronation the addition of an orthotic can often detract from the overall fit and feel of the shoe. Traditional devices do not often transfer well to shoes which have a narrow midfoot and can make the heel feel like it is slipping out of the shoe. In addition, if the athlete is a child, it can be expensive to have customised devices for both sports shoes and school shoes.

A good alternative is the Vasyli Prior Low Profile Sports devices. They provide rearfoot control and enhanced 1st ray function to optimise biomechanics. They are lightweight, heat mouldable and feature a shock absorbing forefoot, all packaged up in a device which is only millimetres thick. These devices can be customised to optimise your foot function all for a fraction of the cost of a fully customised orthotic.

If your feet are keeping you on the sideline, come in and ask our podiatry team at Hinkler Podiatry if the Vasyli Prior is the answer you have been looking for. They can be used in the treatment of sports injuries like Sever’s disease, sprained ankles, arch pain, sesamoiditis, shin splints and runner’s knee.

Don’t let foot pain stop you from achieving your goals.

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